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  1. PHP unit-testing

    Lately I've begun work on Infosys again - a mixture of new features, bug-fixes and an insane amount of refactoring. Because Infosys is a pet-project of mine, partly done to experiment and learn, I have no problem redoing all the core parts now and then - just for kicks. However, the ...

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  2. Sorting algorithms: Selection sort

    1000 elements to sort.
    Sanity check. PHP native sort() algorithm took: 0.002461 seconds. Memory used: 48264 bytes
    Running SelectionSort sort. Algorithm took: 0.273260 seconds. Memory used: 48272 bytes

    1000 elements to sort.Sanity check. PHP native sort() algorithm took: 0.002461 seconds. Memory used: 48264 bytesRunning SelectionSort sort ...

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