Have a look at the image below - a screenshot from a website I came across. It's a quite clear, massive fail (unless you're fluent in whatever font is used). This is something that can happen to any site, if you're messing with I18N or L10N - something goes ...
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More reviews to come
read moreNot the books referred to in my last post although it could be (once I've read them :) ). Nope, I'll be reviewing another book from ...
Geek birthdays
As a kid I always liked the hard packages the most, for birthdays and christmas. Those were the ones you could play with and immerse yourself in right away. Fun fun fun! As opposed to clothes, which you can ... wear. And that's about it. As I grew older, the ...
read moreBack from OSD
The OpenSourceDays conference is through now (has been since Sunday, actually, but work has been keeping me very busy) and a quick reflection tells me that it was great to be there. Some of the highlights:
- A good presentation from Signal Digital about ding.TING: a new open source frontend ...
Criminal design
read moreAt the end of my recent holiday stay at Gran Canaria, my fiancee and I came across a machine that was designed so poorly, it bordered on the criminal. The machine in question was a small money-changer, placed right next to vending machines (both of which are operated by the ...
An end to censorship
Google announced yesterday that they will stop censoring search results on google.cn. There can only be one response to that: finally! It is definitely the right way to go, as the Chinese government is hell-bent on ignoring all concerns from foreigners (as well as from critical voices in their ...
read moreChanges
I've decided to try moving my career more in the direction of freelancing consulting. It's party based on necessity (haven't found a full-time job yet) and partly on want (consulting/freelancing is very interesting). First step has been to make some info available about it - currently only ...
read moreDoors not to open
Extending my knowledge on SEO I was getting acquainted with some FireFox plugins (SEO for Firefox, yExplore, and SEOpen) when I happened upon the related search. Specifically, I did a related:http://plind.dk/ search on Google. The result? Hit #9 is 'Suicide: Read This First' and #10 is 'I ...
read moreJust in time
BIG BROTHER: UK to Mandate Personal Data Storage
Seems like Maria and I managed to leave the country just in time. This is so sick it's impossible to believe, especially coming from the country of the author that gave us 1984. Seems he ended up being more right than ...
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