1. Batteries

    Not long ago, the battery in my Dell XPS M1330 decided it was time to die. Apparently, I had hit the wall: my battery which would run fine for an hour and 20 minutes, just died - one day to the next. No warning signs. Nothing. What's a geek to ...

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  2. Infosys activity

    Lately I've been working a lot on the Infosys code, so I figured I'd post some updates I've done here.

    • Refactored core code:

      • Turned singletons into normal classes, using static variables for shared data if needed
      • Introduced exceptions instead of bool return values in many places
      • Changed ...
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  3. Beginning unittests

    I've lately started implementing unit-tests for the BeWelcome codebase and from the get-go it's been a joy. Well, almost. Spent a little time figuring out how to get the framework working and making it accessible, but after that's it's been sweet. Just running the tests gives ...

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  4. Offline mode

    Lately I've been doing my share of work-on-your-way-to-work (technically it's a hobby-project, but when your hobby includes doing exactly the same as your work, it's hard to see the big difference) and this has led to some annoyance on my part. The situation: I work a bit ...

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