1. Twin of the bloodless model

    For a couple of weeks now I've been working on refactoring an MVC app in the BeWelcome code I'm working on. The reasons behind the refactoring are that 1) it's built on an old part of our codebase (yes, we have several separate parts and yes, it ...

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  2. Beginning unittests

    I've lately started implementing unit-tests for the BeWelcome codebase and from the get-go it's been a joy. Well, almost. Spent a little time figuring out how to get the framework working and making it accessible, but after that's it's been sweet. Just running the tests gives ...

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  3. Offline mode

    Lately I've been doing my share of work-on-your-way-to-work (technically it's a hobby-project, but when your hobby includes doing exactly the same as your work, it's hard to see the big difference) and this has led to some annoyance on my part. The situation: I work a bit ...

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  4. Ryanair ...

    There can be just one judgement on this airline: they massively suck! They are so incredibly poor at customer relations your mind will almost refuse to believe it. And now, they have proven even worse at handling security. Here are the happy details of complete security-management failure:

    • You now HAVE ...
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  5. Coming of (some sort of) age

    I've read many times in many different places written by many different people that learning the programming trade means that when you look back at previous code you wrote, you'll wince and go 'Eeeeewwwwww!'. Well, I've read something to that effect, maybe not exactly that. Various people ...

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