In Sorting algorithms: bubblesort I started working on implementations of different sorting algorithms. The first obviously being bubble sort. I hadn't worked up a proper framework for the implementations though, so the implementation was just a flat file - not great for reusing code. Seeing as I plan to do about 10 or more algorithms I thought it might be best to get the framework done before I work on other algorithms. So here's the code for it.
Base code
The base code includes stuff for setting the test up and outputting the result. It also includes the base sort class which sort implementations will extend.
if (!empty($_SERVER['argv'][1]))
$sortclass = $_SERVER['argv'][1];
$sortfile = strtolower($sortclass);
if (!is_file($sortfile . ".php"))
die ("Could not find {$sortfile}.php, quitting\n");
require_once "{$sortfile}.php";
echo "No comparison done, running just native PHP sort()\n";
$rand = file_get_contents('rand.txt');
$random_array = explode(',', $rand);
echo count($random_array) . " elements to sort.\n";
$a = new BaseSort($random_array);
printf ("Sanity check. PHP native sort() algorithm took: %f seconds. Memory used: %d bytes\n", $a->timeTaken(), $a->memUsed());
if (class_exists($sortclass))
$b = new $sortclass($random_array);
printf ("Running {$sortclass} sort. Algorithm took: %f seconds. Memory used: %d bytes\n", $b->timeTaken(), $b->memUsed());
if (!$b->validateResult())
echo "{$sortclass} sort implementation failed.\n";
class BaseSort
protected $store;
private $_start_time = 0;
private $_end_time = 0;
private $_start_memuse = 0;
private $_end_memuse = 0;
public function __construct(array $array)
$this->store = $array;
* returns the amount of time used by the sort function
* @access public
* @return float
public function timeTaken()
return $this->_end_time - $this->_start_time;
* returns the amount of memory used by the sort function
* @access public
* @return float
public function memUsed()
return $this->_end_memuse - $this->_start_memuse;
* runs the sort function
* @access public
* @return void
public function runSort()
$this->_start_memuse = memory_get_usage();
$this->_start_time = microtime(true);
$this->_end_time = microtime(true);
$this->_end_memuse = memory_get_usage();
* the actual sort function to use
* @access public
* @return void
public function sortFunction()
* validates the result
* @access public
* @return bool
public function validateResult()
for ($i = 0; $i < $count - 1; $i++)
if ($this->store[$i] > $this->store[$i+1])
return false;
return true;
The base sort class is then to be extended by sorting algorithm implementations in the following manner.
class BubbleSort extends BaseSort
public function sortFunction()
$count = count($this->store);
$array = $this->store;
for ($i = 0; $i < $count - 1; $i++)
for ($ii = 0; $ii < $count - 1; $ii++)
if ($array[$ii] > $array[$ii+1])
$temp = $array[$ii+1];
$array[$ii+1] = $array[$ii];
$array[$ii] = $temp;
$this->store = $array;
Sorting an array using this then comes down to instantiating a subclass and doing \$sort->runSort(). The implementation could have been using composition rather than subclassing (using the strategy design pattern) but for this exercise there's no reason for that.