been given the chance to review the new Typo3 Multimedia
that Packt is publishing. Right now it should be in the mail on it's way
to me and hopefully will arrive in a week or so. After that, I'll be
enjoying some serious tech reading on Typo3 :) I found theĀ Typo3:
Enterprise Content Management book from
Packt quite useful, so I'm hoping the Multimedia Cookbook will be even
better - we'll see. The description of the book certainly does inspire a
certain appetite for reading:
The book gives you a step-by-step process for organizing an effective multimedia system. It also gives solutions to commonly encountered problems, and offers a variety of tools for dealing with multimedia content.
There'll be a minor delay before the review goes online, though, as I'm off on holidays next week for two weeks - so I expect I'll be done with the review start March or so. Come back for more reading then :)